Wednesday, 11 January 2012

How did I get there?

Well the story began with an email. It was regarding the short term project @ Auto Expo 2012 at Pragati Maidan(PM). (through nielsen- The marketing research firm). I got selected and was made the team leader, then there was briefing about Auto Expo (AE) and what we had to do over there for next one week!!

My experience in Auto Expo 2012..

Thrusday 5/01/2012 at 8.03 got the Auto, then caught the bus and finally the metro. Reached the destination PM, At nielsen control room. we got the consoles (chotta laptop) with the questionnaire loaded. and then GO LIVE.!!

I interviewed many people (Exhibitors and Vistitors). It was gr8 fun and learning experience. Fun, as i was enjoying the conversation with different people, form different parts of the world , in different mood, with varied level of busy-ness. With their experience shared i got some learning, learned some Chinese also.

Now the exiting part of life begins..
In these days i watched all the BMWs, Jaguars, Land Rovers, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati, Merc, Audis, Chevs, volks W.............OW and the models.

Buttttt the most exiting part was to collect the freebies, we Indians just love it. once taken we still ask for more (ek mere chote bahi ke liye bhi plzzzz).
Collected many posters, kept some, gave some.
Over all a great event experience which helped me to understand the basic requirements for the event like this.
Many things running in the mind as in how can we organize this event in much better way. i would love to manage it. 
Thanx to AAL :)

My next post will be on "Ring Ring RINGAA" keep guessing, coming this month end!!
Till then have good days....ting ting tiding.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

2012 is on..

welcome to my Blog!!

In 2012 I will be Disciplined.

Discipline is the key of all mind locks, tried & tested.
Keep DISCIPLINE fixed and revolve the rest of your LIFE around it’. Not the other way round – ‘where you WISH discipline; as you live your normal Life.
e.g. If you have decided that ‘you are to wake up at 5 in the morning, have a quick bath and then begin your day – THEN PROTECT THIS DECISION OF YOURS AT ANY COST. Weave your everything else around this / such decisions. Khuch bhee ho jaaye…
Thanx to AG.:)

My nxt blog on My experience in Auto Expo 2012. will release on 12/1/2012